Will you join the Brotherhood or Stand and Fight?

Will you join the brotherhood and help in the eradication of mankind, or stand and fight to defend the very humans who have segregated you and called you a freak. A question posed to all mutant kind in the epic series X-men. Granted most people are well aware of the series due to the recent popularization of nerd culture, even so it may be time to revisit the films to remember why they caught are attentions in the first place.


X-men features a wide variety of excitement for any audience including super human characters blessed and cursed with super powers. Set in a modern world where two organizations are in a constant struggle and the fate of mankind lays in the balance, The X-men led by Charles Xavier, use their ability’s to defend the human race against mutants that would use their power’s to wage war, such as Magneto. The brotherhood believes that mutants are the next stage of human evolution and those without powers should serve and revere them, Magneto the leader of this self-proclaimed Brotherhood has the unique ability to control magnetic fields with his mind, rendering all mankind’s technological weapons obsolete, making the X-men the only group with the ability to fight such a foe.

Fan Favorite

The main protagonist Wolverine, portrayed by Hugh Jackman, is a fan favorite anti-hero whose troubled past leads to a complete memory loss. Which results in his reluctant involvement in an all-out war between mutants where fire, ice, metal, bone, and magic make up their arsenals. The special effects of the series does a great job at bringing the world to life with bizarre skin conditions, slow motion scenes of action, and super powers that set the world ablaze in civil conflict.

The World of X-men
Although the series does not have an outright journey to faraway places and other worlds, it follows Wolverine on his quest to learn about his past and begs the question what he will do with his second chance at a new life. True it’s hard to say outright what would qualify for bizarre and compelling environments in the series, however many unique and recognized structures are visited in the films. Such as the Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge, and the White house itself.

X-Men - x-men Photo

Achilles Heel 
For all its great aspects X-men is not without its flaws, for example in a universe where all is explainable by the basic laws of science once and a while the series will touch upon concepts and anatomic impossibility’s that are just bizarre and or unrealistic (not that super powers are feasible). For the most part the series does a good job of not drawing attention on such matters but from time to time one can’t help but wonder how something could be possible. Overall X-men’s few flaws are easily overlooked in comparison to everything that the series does well.


If you’re a hardcore fan of the films or just a casual audience member X-men has something that everybody can enjoy. From larger than life battles between super beings, a creative and unique approach on the super hero genre, and compelling back story’s full of friendship, betrayal, and secret organizations. X-men is one of the most recognized and enjoyed movie franchises of our generation so if you have yet to see the films now may be the time and if you’re already a fan there’s no law saying you can’t watch it again so why not try to recapture some of magic?

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